Thursday, July 3, 2014

Theindia's Journey: #1 The Beginning

Hi, I'm TheIndia, and at the age of 27 I stepped on the scale in my doctor’s office and was told I weighed in at 269 pounds. I was so hurt that day that I went home and cried. I didn't blame anybody but myself for that number. After I let those tears fall I vowed to change my life from that day forward. It was not that I had always been a small framed woman. As far back as I remember I have always been heavier than most kids in my class and that was OK (or so I thought). I was always active and always busy, so my weight never slowed me down. In high school I "grew into" my shape. What I mean by “grew in to my shape” was I didn't get smaller, but I had my body parts form in the proper place. I had an hour glass figure that most of my classmates worked hard for, so I became OK with the way I looked. But after seeing the number on that scale...I had to make a change. Not just for myself, but for my kids. It's not fun having to tell them you don't want to do this or that because you are too tired. I have learned that you never know what life has in store for you.
At the beginning of my journey, there were many challenges. And not just challenges with eating right or exercising...but personal challenges. I had no idea at the time but I was an emotional eater. It was when my mother had surgery and my father was admitted into hospice that I realized I was an emotional eater. I would find myself eating just to eat. I was not hungry, but just felt the need to eat because eating made me happy. I realized that I had a problem when I found myself at the grocery store about to have a melt down because they discontinued ice cream that I had fallen in love with. First of all, thank goodness nobody was in the store to witness my mini adult temper tantrum. Secondly, it was at that point in time that I realized I had a problem. I decided to never let food dictate my life or emotions ever again. I am proud to say since that day, I have not had any more ice cream (nor have I been back to that grocery store).
So I have told you my then. It is time to tell you about my story now! Since that dreaded day at the doctor’s office I have lost 20 pounds! Yes, me! The lady who would have a gym membership just to have one has managed to lose 20 pounds in 8 months. That may not seem like a lot, but I am beyond proud of myself! How did I do that you ask? Well, it was not easy by a long shot. It all started when I had the bright idea to push myself to the limit and stop using excuses as a crutch. I love to read so I began reading blogs on the internet and would find so much inspiration and motivation that I thought to myself that it would be cool to tell my story. But it was just that...a thought. It was not until I received an email from my amazing trainer asking me that very question, "do you want to tell your story?" All I could think to myself was...”is she a mind reader”? I still have not quite figured everything out, but I am so glad she asked me to do this. In speaking with my friends and family about writing a blog, all the feedback I got was to go for it and to tell my story. I am so happy to have the opportunity to write my thoughts and emotions and even my embarrassing melt down in hope to one day inspire someone else to start their own weight loss journey.
Sincerely, TheIndia

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