Sunday, March 3, 2013

Motivational Monday

We all have those days where we just don't care what we eat. We eat everything in sight, and it seems to be worse when we are trying to make better choices, it's like events just start happening when you don't want them to. Birthday parties, cook-outs, dinners, family shows up and wants to go to all these different restaurants. So, we end up eating way more then planned, and then we tell ourselves, well I'll go workout out later, and end up eating even more. Then when it's all over, that's when the guilt sets in, and yada, yada, yada... and you've gone off the deep end... blah..blah..blah. CALM DOWN, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, and MOVE ON. You can't change what has happened, right?  It's done, and it is in the past.  One day, or one weekend, should not affect you to the point where you should give up. Get up, and start again, and learn from it.

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