Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Testimonial Tuesday

Testimonial Tuesday

Meet Aaron!

In high school, I always prided myself on having a high metabolism. I wasn't skinny, but at 5'7" and 150 pounds, my weight suited my frame. I was an artist, and I liked playing Nintendo - in other words, I did not exactly lead what you'd call an active lifestyle.

Fast forward 13 or 14 years. My sedentary ways followed me throughout college and into the corporate, cubicle-dwelling world. Hatred of my job led to late nights of TV watching and junk food eating. Over the years I steadily put on 3 to 4 pounds a year, which was fine for the first couple years - until by 2011 I found myself out of breath after waddling from the car to my cube. After looking at vacation pictures of what looked like myself in a fat suit, I decided something had to be done.

With Francesca's help ( Plain Vanilla Fitness), I started a simple exercise regimen - no less than 30 minutes of brisk walking (3 miles an hour) every day - and using My Fitness Pal, I tracked my regular eating habits for a week (which I was shocked to see were well over 2,000 calories) and then began cutting calories, down to around 1300 a day after exercise. I added a training circuit developed by Francesca that I did every other day.

Within a few months, I was down from my all-time high of 192 to a much more manageable 162 - a full 30 pounds. My weight has lingered right around 30 pounds, my eating habits have permanently changed (for the most part - I mean what am I supposed to do, give up Doritos?), and I can walk to the car or even jog around the block without passing out from exhaustion.

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