Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Chris's Journey #21: Non Scale Victories

Entry 21: Non Scale Victories
One of the things I have done lately is become a part of weight loss support groups on Facebook and online. I looked in to support groups to get tips and encouragement from others that have gone through similar issues as me. This is something that I have not had in previous attempts to lose weight. 24/7 support courtesy of Facebook or other web sites that are out there, have been a huge help. It is nice to see people that are struggling just like I am. It has been refreshing to see others put on armor and battle their addictions just like I am.
One of the things I have learned is that addictions want you to be lonely. Lonely allows you to embrace the addiction harder and eventually the addiction is the only thing you have. That was so true for me in the past five years or so. I held on to this addiction like a mother holds her newborn. That addiction made me accept my loneliness and helped me to close my ears when others would try to talk to me about my addiction. One of the biggest blessings I have had was a few friends that would not quit on me. Whether it was support in physical form or spiritual form through prayer, they would not allow me to completely go to the dark side. I cannot thank them enough. Well yes I can. I can thank them by continuing to fight and beat this addiction back.
Let’s go back to the web site weight loss support groups that I was talking about earlier. On these websites you see some crazy terms, that you do not get right away. It took me some time to finally understand those terms. Here are a few of the terms that have come up most:
• HW: Heaviest Weight • CW: Current Weight • WL: Weight Loss • NSV: Non Scale Victory
The Non Scale Victory fascinated me the most. This was about weight loss right? Isn’t the scale the Holy Grail? The one thing you have to face and show you victories and defeats? The answer is not just no, but “HELL NO”! Victories are sweet when they are on the scale. Losing 5 pounds in a week is an amazing high. But as I continue to walk this journey, I am learning that the scale is not the end all be all. There are NSVs out there for morbidly obese people like myself to achieve and conquer. Here are a few of mine.
• I have not just done one 5K, I have now done two! I finished my second 5K this past Saturday. I felt good and recovered quicker this time than I did the last one. That is a NSV!
• I have now incorporated resistance training and weights in to my work out. I am no longer just walking. I am testing myself and working harder to improve my body. The weight workouts will help improve and give me the muscle my body so needs. Francesca and I have come up with a routine that will challenge me and make me work. For my birthday my friend Lauren gave a 10 pound medicine ball that will be so much help. Weight working out is a NSV!
• My pants are SUPER loose. I am constantly pulling them up. It is a tough thing, but looser pants are a huge NSV!
• I am eating far less food now than I did a month ago, and a month before that. I am more conscious of the food that is going in to my mouth. I am working hard to eat better. I have the fruits down. I am still struggling with vegetables. But I am working on it. A food NSV!
• I have a better outlook on life and on myself than I have ever had. I have learned to see what everyone kept trying to tell me about me. I am a good man. I am a good friend. I have a good heart. I am able to be loved, and there is a woman out there that I am good for. Love for me is a NSV!
I am sure there are a lot more NSV that I am not thinking about. There are a few more that are coming up that I am purposely not mentioning (I do have to have more material to write about). You will see those NSV in the next few weeks.
So think about the NSVs that are in your life. I know you have plenty. Recognize them and be PROUD OF them. The scale is a tool to show you your weight, but is not the God of your life. It is only a scale. Scales are where fish are weighed. Scales are for oil and gas to be weighed. Scales are for people to be weighed too, but that does not define who you are. Fight to show that scale where it belongs. It belongs on the floor and not in your head or heart all the time. When you get frustrated at what your scale says, remember all those Non Scale Victories that will outnumber the number you see on that scale. Those should be the primary victories you can be proud of and not the number that you see comes up.
Sincerely, Chris

1 comment:

  1. I like this so much, I think I am going to keep track of my NSVs in my journal!!!
