Thursday, June 26, 2014

5 Day Ab Challenge: Day 4

Pyramid Abs

50 sec plank
Get into pushup position on the floor.
Now bend your elbows 90 degrees and rest your weight on your forearms. Your elbows should be directly beneath your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet.
40 Toe Touches
Stretch out on the ground. Legs vertical. Arms wide open and palms facing the ceiling.Raise your trunk keeping your legs as firmly as possible in the same position.Try to touch the outside of your ankles with your fingers.
30 Pulse Up Crunch
Curl up and forward so that your head, neck, and shoulder blades lift off the floor. A pulse means not lowering the head back to floor, but instead stopping halfway down and lifting back up. A pulse should resemble the crunch without the head returning to the floor.
20 Side Lying Crunch (R)
Lie on your right side with your legs on top of each other with your knees bent. Place your left hand on the side of your head. Crunch up with your side as high as you can, focusing on the movement to work the obliques as much as possible.
10 In's/Out's
Lay flat on the ground. Imagine a vertical line which starts from your pelvis. Contract your abdomen and bring your shoulders and knees towards the imaginary line. It is very important to keep the pelvis still during the exercise. Return to the starting position.
20 Side Lying Crunch (L)
Lie on your right side with your legs on top of each other with your knees bent. Place your left hand on the side of your head. Crunch up with your side as high as you can, focusing on the movement to work the obliques as much as possible.
30 Pulse Up Crunch
Curl up and forward so that your head, neck, and shoulder blades lift off the floor. A pulse means not lowering the head back to floor, but instead stopping halfway down and lifting back up. A pulse should resemble the crunch without the head returning to the floor.
40 Toe Touches
Stretch out on the ground. Legs vertical. Arms wide open and palms facing the ceiling.Raise your trunk keeping your legs as firmly as possible in the same position.Try to touch the outside of your ankles with your fingers.
50 sec plank
Get into pushup position on the floor.
Now bend your elbows 90 degrees and rest your weight on your forearms. Your elbows should be directly beneath your shoulders, and your body should form a straight line from your head to your feet.

References:,,, and others. All these exercises were found on the internet.

As with all forms of exercise, you should consult with your physician or healthcare professional before undertaking any of the fitness training discussed in this blog. Any application of the techniques, ideas, and suggestions in this blog should be used as a guideline. Always do a proper warm-up, stretch, and cooldown

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