Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Chris's Journey #25 Breaking Up is Hard to Do

Entry 25: Breaking Up is Hard to Do

First, I wanted to take a few minutes to thank everyone for sticking around for 25 issues of my journey. For me it is an exciting time of growth, and I am happy to share it with all of you. I cannot wait to see what happens to me over the course of the next 25! Now on to this week’s issue.

I had a difficult break up yesterday. Since yesterday I have been a little restless, had a headache and ached to get back together. I miss it so much. I have been so wrapped up with my thoughts and completely consumed. We had an amazing time together, but as I was growing and continued to get healthier, I knew it was time to make some hard choices. So with a heavy heart, I had my last soda last night.

Yes, you read that last sentence right, I said soda. I broke up with carbonated soft drinks last night. No more soda for me. I was a large soda drinker for a majority of my life. Drinking a coke with a meal or a snack was a normal thing to me. When asked what I would like to drink, I always said a coke. Coke was my water. As a teenager, besides sweet tea, I do not remember drinking anything else. Then about 6 or 7 years ago, I stopped drinking sugared sodas and switched to diet sodas. I LOVED Coke Zero. I drank so many Coke Zeros over the course of the last few years; I am surprised I did not drown in it. And when it was not Coke Zero it was diet orange soda or Diet Mountain Dew. I did drink water, but my preferred beverage was a good diet soda.

Today has been rough, I will not lie. But the roughness is all because of me. I have so many bad habits that I have to literally decide to go with the new habit every minute of the day. For example, today I ordered a Coke Zero and did not think about it. It was order food, order drink, consume mass quantities. So today was difficult stopping myself. I did not drink the Coke Zero I bought and I opted for a non-soda decision. I also made sure that I have had plenty of water around me. I ended up using the rest room several times today due to the water I drank. Headaches are here because of no caffeine. That will be tough too, but this needs to happen. I need to drink more water. I need to give up soda. It is not a friend of mine, and I do not need that influence in my life any longer. Will this be tough? Absolutely, but this is also the right thing for me. I am not saying that this is the right thing for everyone, but it is for me, and my doctor approves.

This is a lot harder job than I thought it would be, when I made this decision. Following through with a decision is always harder than to just decide to do something. I also know that to end this relationship that I need to be focused when I eat and choosing what I order (or not order). Home is easy for me. I got rid of all my sodas last night. I have PowerAde drops that are helping water taste less boring. I am sure I will be tired for a few days and the headaches will be rough. I know with the walking journey that through determination, I can make this happen. I know just like the walking that I can and will get through this. So if you see me out there, ask me how many sodas I had that day. With some hard work it will zero.

I will keep everyone updated on how this my newest journey goes at being healthy. In the comments section, tell me what your hardest food or addiction break ups have been? I would love any help that can be given.

Sincerely, Chris


  1. Sodas are rough man. I've given them up a few times. I wish you the absolute best of luck and excedrin is good for that withdrawal headache.


  2. Soda and caffeine detox is SO hard. Good for you, friend. Every time you're tempted just remember, TODAY was in vain if you start back up! And every day longer that you go without, remember you'll just be starting from scratch.
    Every day I want to eat bread and crackers and cookies ALL DAY LONG! I have found that for the most part, it's all or nothing for me. If I start, it's a slippery slope. But then I will treat myself to something that I know I can't go crazy on. I made treats for dessert a few nights ago, but I only made enough that we would consume that night. 1 portion for each member of my household :) And then I was guilt free!
    Hang in there - you're a rock star!!!! :)
