Monday, July 14, 2014

Motivational Monday: Why do we quit after starting a fitness plan?

Unfortuntly sometimes this happens. 
So why do we fall off the wagon. Below are the reasons that I heard over the years. 

Top 5 Reason we quit an exercise routine:
Not enough time
We don't see results 
We get injured
We don't know what to do
We feel uncomfortable 

It's not easy I know. I always tell my clients that every journey begins with a single step. Once you take that step then you have to finish it. Life does get in the way, and there seems to be are not enough hours in the day. But make time for you. Your health is the key to a comfortable long life. If we quit every time we are uncomfortable then we wouldn't achieve anything. It will not be easy, but I promise if you put in 100 percent, it will be worth it.

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