Friday, January 18, 2013

Food Friday: Doritos Jacked versus Cheez-It

I wanted to know if I had to choose between two non particularly healthy food items, which is slightly better for me?

Ah. The Dorito's Jacked Enchilada Supreme Chips. They had me at bigger, bolder, and thicker.
It's like that Yo Gaba Gaba song "There's A Party In My Tummy". Well guys, there is a party in my mouth. These are simply delicious, and I always lick my finger tips afterwards.

As far as nutritional value here it goes ..

Now Cheez Its. The magnificent mature cheese flavor baked into a tiny cracker. I definitely find myself over eating on these. I mean they're baked, right?

After carefully looking at the nutrition labels, I decided that Dorito's Jacked are slightly better for you per serving. They have less saturated fat, and less sodium, and less carbs. Neither one of these products are really good for you, but if you are at work and find yourself near a vending machine, just remember that baked doesn't always mean it's better.

Now, upon my research I came across this article
Nothing to do with this blog, but what a waste of food! haha

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