How to:
Planks are one of the best moves to strengthen the core. Start with lying face down on a mat, get forearms on the mat shoulders are alighned directly over elbows. Hands can be clasped in front of you. Extend your legs while resting on your toes ( just like you are going to do a push-up). You should have a straight line between your shoulders and toe. Tighten your abs and hold for as long as you can. If you feel like you are starting to sag, you can always drop the knees and try to finish your hold, or you can stop and take a break.
Mountain climbers are great for cardio and abdominal strength. Start with hands on the floor, a bit wider than shoulder width apart, on firefeet, take one leg forward bend under body and extend other leg back.While holding upper body in place, alternate leg positions by pushing hips up while immediately extending forward leg back and pulling rear leg forward under body, landing on both forefeet simultaneously.
Side Crunches engage the obligues. Start Lie face up on the ground. Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor.Be sure that your back rests firmly on the floor. Place your hands behind your head. Take you left leg and place it on top of your bent right leg.Keeping your head and shoulders slightly elevated, move your upper body to the left. Imagine that you are trying to touch your right elbow with your left hip; keep your lower back and hips stationary on the floor.Switch sides, and repeat.
Reverse Crunches focuses on the lowerr area of the abdominals. Start wit laying on the floor with legs straight out in front od you. Put your arms to the side of your torso, palms down.Bend your knees up. Your thighs should be perpendicular to the floor, while your lower legs are parallel to the floor. Keep your feet together.Inhale. As you do so, pull your legs up towards your torso. This should be done as you roll your pelvis backwards to lift your hips up off the floor. Your knees should touch your chest at the end. Slowly lower your legs back to starting position. Do not drop them; this should be done in a controlled manner.
As with all forms of exercise, you should consult with your physician or healthcare professional before undertaking any of the fitness training discussed in this blog. Any application of the techniques, ideas, and suggestions in this blog should be used as a guideline. Always do a proper warm-up, stretch, and cooldown.;