Entry 18: 5K
This is my entry to my Facebook account from February 15, 2014: It has been 101 days since my first walk. Today was my 46th walk. I have averaged 1.73 miles per walk. I average walking every 2.19 days (need to improve, but considering where I was, wow). In the 46 walks I have covered 79.86 miles or over three marathons. This year I have walked 28.38 miles with my first 2014 marathon being achieved today. Today was my first organized 5K where I walked it in 1 hour 15 minutes. Now most people ask about pounds lost...I have lost 19 pounds so far and am now actively changing my eating habits. The pounds to me do not matter. The fact that every time I walk my body hurts a little less does.
Thank you all for the love and support I have and continue to feel. Bigger and better things are in store for me as I enter in my 40th year. JUST BRING IT!
Now on to this week’s entry…
It is amazing how quickly time goes by. It was the end of October that I sat down and came up with some visual goals on things I wanted to accomplish by walking. One of the items on the list was to walk the March for Babies 5K in May 2014. I see friends of mine have picture of the runs that they do and they look amazing. Those runs also looked and felt out of reach to me. Someone my size could never do something like that. So I wanted to prove myself wrong. I wanted to show myself that if I work at it, I can accomplish anything. So I wrote down a goal that was far enough away that I felt maybe I could do it. Maybe.
In December after walking almost 2 months, Francesca came up to me and said we should do a 5K. I reminded her of my goal and she said no, we need to do one sooner. We talked about doing the Color Run when it came around in September of 2014, and she said that another run similar to that was coming up in February. “We should do it” she said. “I will walk with you and we can accomplish this together”. This is where the lines of trainer and dear friend get blurred (thank God). I told her I would think about it, which usually means, “I won’t do it, but hopefully you will forget you asked”. But she didn’t. It would pop up in conversation again and again and I finally said yes.
Then an amazing thing happened. I told my friend Melissa that I agreed to do this 5K and she said, “Great, tell me the date and Andy (her husband) and I will be there for it”. Melissa a while ago told me when I did my first 5K that she wanted to be there. But Melissa lives in another city and has three kids, and works full time, and has her own things. There was no way she would be able to come to this. But I told her the date and she said she would be there. Even after I changed the walk venue from the Run or Dye 5K to the River Day Run 8K and 5K she never blinked. “I will be there” she told me, and never doubt Melissa. She is that awesome that she will do it.
In the weeks that led up to February 15th other amazing things would happen. My friend Lauren told me her family would be joining me. My buddy Waco who started to walk a month after I did decided to make this his first 5K also. My friend Steve said he would come in from Tallahassee to cheer me on. My fitness partner in crime (and friend) Karen said that she would be there for me at the end of the walk to congratulate me. I got emails and messages from so many people telling me that they are with me and would support me. I never doubted it, but I did not feel the impact. Not until today (I am writing this entry the day of my first 5K).
Melissa and Andy stayed with me on Friday night and we woke up early to head over to the 5K. When we got to the venue we found the registration table and Melissa and I went to get our packets. Melissa found my name and found out I was number 147. I looked at the number on the bib (yes they call it a bib) and I was speechless for the first time today (more times to come). I had a number. For a 5K. I had a number for a 5K! I was going to do this. I was nervous about not being able to finish, but I should have known that my friends would have my back. Melissa pinned my bib on my shirt and I was ready to go.
The rest of my friends showed up and I did my best to introduce everyone. Francesca and I talked and we decided that she would run the 5K and then come back and find me. She is training for a 15K and it only makes sense that she uses this to practice. And I had Melissa and Andy (and baby Charlee) and Lauren and Waco and Waco’s son Bryn with me. Needless to say that I had a support system. We got to the starting point and Melissa took pictures of everything. She wanted me to remember this day. I know I always will.
The cannon (literally a cannon) shot off and the 5K began. I had already been standing an hour before the run began and because of not resting before walking, my knees began to bother me immediately. Every step was painful, but I was not about to let my friends and support system down. To begin with every step was agony, but I kept on a smiling face only complaining a little. My friends were amazing talking to me, making me think of anything else but walking. And we kept moving along. I am sure each of them could have gone a lot faster, but they decided to stay with me. Encouraging me and loving me all the way. We got to the first mile, then the second mile. During the run friends who were running he 8K and 5K ran passed me (on the way back) and shouted encouragement or high fived me. My Godson Jacob gave me a big smile and thumbs up as he ran passed me. It felt so good.
Right around the second mile, Francesca (who had finished her run already) caught up with me. She joined me and Waco (we had fallen back a bit) and began to check on me. How was I feeling, had I had enough water, stuff like that. She and Waco made me laugh and we kept going on even though my knees were screaming at me. Francesca kept telling me only a little more. At that point in time, I did not believe her.
About a quarter of a mile until completion Karen found us and walked with us. She was encouraging and supporting as she has always been when she and I started on this weight loss mission. Melissa waited for me and we finished the walk, with her taking some amazing pictures of me getting to the finish line. Everyone telling me it is only a little further. I finally began to believe. I was going to finish this. I am going to finish this.
The finish line was surreal. I finally crossed at 1 hour and 15 minutes with Melissa and Steve (he had been waiting for me at the finish line) taking pictures of me finishing. I raised my hands in victory as I crossed the line. I breathed heavy taking it all in. I did it. I finished my first 5K.
High fives and hugs were all around. This amazing set of friends did this for me and did this with me. The support still overwhelms me and makes me smile. After the 5K was done for me, I was in a lot of pain, having a hard time walking, stepping, and even using the rest room. But with my friends help I did it. I finished my first official 5K. Still so hard to believe.
I cannot thank everyone who came out today enough for doing this with me. Melissa text me later that day saying there is nowhere else she would rather be. That part does not surprise me. She is my friend. She of course would do this for me. Lauren even said I was hero. I am not sure about that, but if someone is encouraged by this, awesome. Waco and I text each other pumped up that we finished this challenge of ours! To state the obvious, today was a good day.
I am not sure when my next 5K will be, but it will be soon. I may not have quite the turn out at the next one, but I will always have those amazing people in my head knowing that where ever they are, they are cheering me on.
I am a completely blessed man. I am a completely loved man. What a great Valentine’s Day gift.